Recent Features
TWC Selected to Participate in the 2022 Nonprofit Leadership Institute
TWC, Inc is thrilled to have been selected by Bank of America and Philanthropy Massachusetts as participants in the 11th annual Nonprofit Learning Institute!
TWC Receives Grant from CareQuest
TWC is delighted to be the recipient of a grant in partnership with the Massachusetts Health Counsel (MHC) from CareQuest
Nurturing wellness in children
Dr. Jeanette Callahan shares her passion for tackling inequities and promoting health, one child at a time.
Motherhood and Resilience During COVID – 19
Featured: Dr. Karen Craddock | The Tapestry
I don’t have qualified immunity, why should police?
By Jeanette Callahan, Op-Ed Piece, October 2020
Racial Disparities in Maternal Health May Be at a Pivot Point
Quotes from TWC Co-Founder, Dr. Karen Craddock, July 2020
Article by Elizabeth Millard |
Additional Features
- WRBB Radio guests on Sisters Sowing Seeds
- Spotlight feature in National Business Education forum magazine, award winning issue
- Boston City Council Testimony on Maternal Health (R. Reed)
- Facilitator on Youth Mental Health – The Steve Fund Washington DC (K. Craddock)
- Speaker at Royce West Forum – Juvenile Justice Prevention Center (J. Callahan)